A room featuring whiteboard walls makes for highly productive meetings, as the environment is a naturally collaborative space where people feel encouraged to get up from their seats and scribble their thoughts on the wall in front of the team. There’s plenty of room available for writing down random ideas, mind mapping, brainstorming, doodling, and planning. People are more comfortable getting up and sharing their ideas on a massive whiteboard wall than on the confined area of a traditional framed whiteboard or flip chart because due to their smaller surfaces, these channels tend to limit what can be presented in a meeting or discussion and often hinder group interaction.
This is especially true of flip charts due to their non-erasability. For example, an educational research study found that students using non-erasable flip charts were not effective at collaborating and encouraging others to work with them and share ideas. In this study, students who did math problems on flip charts talked with one another mainly before any writing was done, possibly because writing done with markers on flip chart paper can’t be erased. Thus, most of the group’s ideas about what should be presented on the charts stopped before much content was written. This was true despite the fact that the students were told they could start over on a fresh sheet of paper whenever they liked. Also, the students who ended up writing on the chart paper were almost always the ones who could draw the best, had the best handwriting, or were most aggressive in grabbing markers. For these reasons, the answers that appeared on the flip charts were only limited to the writers’ personal versions of the group’s thinking and not an accurate representation of what everyone had contributed.
By contrast, due to their large surface areas and easy erasability, whiteboard painted walls strongly promote dynamic interaction among team members participating in group work sessions. When an entire wall is turned into a dry erase board, the opportunities for collaboration and creative thinking are boundless. Coat your office’s walls with whiteboard paint for brainstorming sessions, discussions, presentations, and other activities involving teamwork on group assignments or projects. Doing so will allow your team members to work together on vast, smudge-free surfaces where they can write down whatever spontaneous thoughts or images come to mind through the silent encouragement of a whiteboard painted wall. Your office meetings can thus make use of a medium that creates a highly beneficial atmosphere for both individual expression and group cooperation.
With a whiteboard painted wall and a projector, you’ll save a lot of time and paper during meetings as everyone can see all the visual aids you present simultaneously. The images and words that you project can be annotated on the whiteboard wall, and there will be no need to hunt for paper, make copies, and distribute handouts, as the team members can see all the information in front of them in one large space. Whiteboard painted walls make ideal screens for projecting slides and videos, especially when your projector is connected to a computer. And it’s effortless to annotate the contents of a computer projection by writing or drawing onto a whiteboard surface. This technique is especially effective when several different colors, such as red and blue are used to color-code different main ideas or topics. Making annotations around a projected image with dark-colored markers on a white background can make a world of difference in communicating ideas to a group and in helping to diminish eye strain because dark writing on a white background is easy on the eyes.
Most of our competitors’ whiteboard paints consist of a non-eco-friendly, solvent-based epoxy mixture that takes several days to dry. When these epoxy/solvent-based coatings do dry, they leave a highly glossy finish that is virtually impossible to project onto or use for any purpose other than drawing and writing with dry-erase markers. By contrast, our whiteboard coatings are top-quality, eco-friendly water-based products that provide a superior writable surface that produces minimal glare. This great low-glare feature allows for easy projection onto any surface that’s coated with our paints, thus letting you transform all the smooth, paintable areas in your office into combined whiteboards and high-performance projection screens for use with a wide variety of projectors.
Whiteboard painted walls encourage movement and interactivity among participants during meetings, which is far more productive than having team members just sit and listen to the proceedings in their seats. Due to their large, inviting surfaces, whiteboard walls stimulate discussion and engagement among colleagues and prompt people to physically take part in a session rather than acting like spectators. Dry erase painted walls are thus democratizing because they give all the participants in a meeting a chance to take part in the action and share their thoughts. For example, in a collaborative brainstorming session, all your team members can make contributions on a spacious whiteboard wall, and as the group works together to reach a consensus, everyone’s opinion is seen as having equal weight. Recording all the participants’ contributions on a large dry erase wall levels the playing field because no single idea supersedes the others. Also, when thoughts and graphics are presented on a whiteboard painted wall, more team members feel comfortable participating – those who are introverted, new to the team, or of lower rank in the staff, who may normally feel insecure about joining in on group discussions.
Efficient and productive sharing of ideas can be challenging when team members work in different offices, or in many cases, different parts of the world; however, with a smart whiteboard wall, you can live stream your whiteboard and share the contents with any device you choose, allowing your meetings to be accessed from any place in the world. You can stop thinking about investing your time, energy, and resources in a costly electronic smartboard that’s constantly susceptible to technical problems and requires considerable training to be used properly. Instead, you can have a whole wall in your office, classroom, or other area function as a versatile smart whiteboard. Imagine being able to sync, save, edit, share, and live stream your written texts, drawings, and doodles on Evernote, Onenote, Dropbox, Onedrive, and other apps. When blended with eQuil Smartmarker technology, your dry erase painted wall can be turned into a highly effective smart whiteboard surface, producing a creative, durable, and versatile canvas on which to write and draw in synchrony with your favorite online broadcasts and apps to link up with any person or group in the world. You can display text and graphics on your dry erase painted wall, capture everything you produce, and communicate it to whomever you like, thus making your business gatherings more productive and collaborative by disseminating your content in real-time to a large group. After slipping a dry erase marker into a smart sleeve, you and your teammates can interact effortlessly by means of your whiteboard wall and share your content anywhere at any time.
Effective listening is one of the hardest skills for humans to master and is also the hardest way to remember information. It involves actively absorbing data given by a speaker, showing that a person is listening, and giving feedback so that the hearer can clarify the details of the message being conveyed. In the context of a meeting, these actions are not always possible for everyone to perform. However, this problem can be easily solved by using a whiteboard painted wall at meetings in combination with a dry erase marker in a smart sleeve that allows presenters to write information by hand and have participants retain the data by using the sleeves’ digital memory. In this way, what’s heard during a meeting can be saved indefinitely for future reference, thus freeing participants from the need to remember everything that was said.
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